Feeling at home in our bodies and safety in experiencing pleasure—from the simple to the profound—is a vital, worthwhile and necessary journey.

Coming home to your body intimate, brave and going to be different for every person.

You can start right now.

It can begin with a simple intention, a slower breath and a hand on your heart.

And, because we as humans are a relational beings, doing this work together is a powerful way to heal.

While so much of healing is an inside-job, we also need each other in order to feel safe enough to get below the roots of some of our deepest patterns.

I wholeheartedly believe that healing can be gentle, pleasurable and slow.

And, more often than not, it actually needs to be.

When we release our need to try, fix or control and when we redirect any sense of urgency around making a change—we can really begin to listen.

We can do deep and impactful healing work through small, pleasurable and consistent shifts that honor the wisdom of our animal bodies, the intelligence of our nervous systems and the wholeness of our souls.

Whether you are someone who is simply seeking a deeper embodiment, more access to pleasure in your body and a more vibrant connection to your body, womb and pelvic bowl. Or, you are calling in a space where the most tender parts of you can be held, where they can unfold their wisdom and be reflected back to you, where you can listen to those parts of self that maybe didn’t previously get to have a voice.

We can do this together through working with the body.

Our bodies are always doing their best to move us towards thriving. Our soft tissues hold memory. They reflect back to us our emotions, our patterns and they show us what we are holding. This is why so much can move when we orient to the body.

In each session I combine together Somatic Coaching and Embodied Womb Work. In some sessions there may be big emotions to be felt and moved. In other sessions we may focus on healing through embodiment by exploring through movement, expression, play, self-touch and self-holding. We follow the thread of what your nervous system is calling for and no matter what we do so with a foundation of orienting to the wisdom of your body and the belief that more pleasure is always possible.

I work with folks who are looking to embody a more rooted felt-sense of being at home within their bodies; With a particular focus on integrating the soft-power of your pelvic bowl—the root of your nervous system and seat of your deep sensual and creative energy.

Foundations of 1:1 Work Together


Somatic Trauma Resolution

One of my favorite things about somatic work is that we don’t have to understand everything through the mind in order to work with it. We engage the felt-sense, the natural gestures of the body, the instincts and an understanding of the human nervous system to support you in finding a sense of completion in stuck processes and healing into wholeness.

Pelvic Embodiment

The pelvis and our relationship to it plays a very important role in our experience of being in our bodies. For many of us (individually, ancestrally & collectively) the pelvis has been connected to pain, suppression, disconnection and shame. As we heal this relationship, the pelvis becomes a powerful source of resilience, creativity and vitality. This is true root healing.

Pleasure Coaching + Somatic Sex Ed

Pleasure shows up in every aspect of life and is in relationship to every aspect of self. Pleasure can be a profound resource within our lives and also can feel incredibly out-of-reach when we are in a trauma response or within chronic/traumatic stress. We work with welcoming pleasure back into our lives in small, doable ways, ultimately growing our capacity for pleasure within our bodies and in our lives.


Our center within each session is the intention to meet what shows up with gentleness, slowing down for the body’s wisdom to unfold and to make space for all parts of your dynamic, fullest self to come forward.


Working Together

All first-time sessions are 75-90 minutes and $200
All sessions after that are 60 minutes and $150

I love working with folks on a consistent basis, especially if you have a specific goal in mind in working together. This gives space for the relational element of the healing work to land and grow and allows us to go at the pace of your body and nervous system. After your initial session we will create a plan together for frequency of sessions.

✦ Learn more about my background and trainings here.


Clients are welcome to reschedule and cancel at any time as long as you provide 24 hours notice. If you cancel with less than 24 hour notice, or fail to show up, you will be charged the full session fee for the appointment. The only time this will be waived is in the case serious illness, extreme weather or other unavoidable circumstances. Thank you for understanding.